A Healthier You , A Healthier Way to Live


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A Healthier You 

 A Healthier Way to Live


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A Healthier You , A Healthier Way to Live


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A Healthier You , A Healthier Way to Live                                     

                                                   更健康的你,更健康的方式生活     創生 全人健康

Healthier You

A Healthier Way to Live


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Healthier You

A Healthier Way to Live


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 A Healthier You , A Healthier Way to Live
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A Healthier You , A Healthier Way to Live
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A Healthier You , A Healthier Way to Live
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A Healthier You , A Healthier Way to Live
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 A Healthier You , A Healthier Way to Live
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A Healthier You , A Healthier Way to Live
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Our Goal At Transcend Living

Our goal at Transcend Living is to help you experience personal transformation and a healthier life through the variety of holistic approaches and services that we provide.

Our holistic practices are rooted in a Hebraic understanding of life where emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health are all interconnected.

All of our holistic practices are supported by extensive research and experiential understanding of how the body, soul and spirit are connected to our well-being and overall health.

Transcend Living is committed to helping you experience:
● Your original purposes in life.
● Who you are is more important than what you do.
●You were designed to know love without shame, guilt or fear and to understand the pain you feel.
●You are valuable and worthy enough to receive love.




● 認識您個人生命的原創設定與人生意義
● 了解您是誰比您可以做些什麼更為重要
● 了解您生命的原設定是能經歷——不帶羞恥感、罪惡感與恐懼的愛,並且能辨明您生命中承受到的各樣痛苦感受

The  Founders


David Lam


Michael Huntwork

David Lam and Michael Huntwork have been on their own personal journeys with holistic health for many years now. They both came from traumatic upbringings and discovered how to overcome the detrimental effects of abuse and brokenness.

After having been friends for almost a decade and having helped many other individuals in their own journeys out of pain and brokenness, they decided to partner together to build Transcend Living. This is more than just a business for them. It is their collaborative effort to help others see that, in the midst of their pain and confusion, there is a way to receive help without shame.

David and Michael long for others to see, feel, know and experience who they truly were created to be and become. They created Transcend Living because everyone is invaluable and deserves to live healthier in body, soul and spirit, no matter the background or circumstances. For more information about David and Michael, go to their complete bios via the team page link.


David Lam 林念華、 Michael Huntwork 韓沃,兩位創辦人在個人生命旅程中,學習全人身心健康整合已有多年經驗。他們皆來自創傷背景的家庭,兩人是相識十多年的好友,在認識與共事的過程中,逐漸發現能透過一些療程戰勝被虐的痛苦過往。



Shalom Sessions

Our Shalom Sessions focus on helping you to navigate life with guided help from one of our instructors.

SOMA Meditation Sessions

Our SOMA Meditation Sessions focus on helping you to understand and practice the power of meditation.

Massage and Aromatherapy Sessions

Our Massage and Aromatherapy Sessions focus on helping your body to heal and recover.