Meet our Team and Instructors


Michael Gregory Huntwork 韓沃
CEO / Cofounder / Shalom Instructor
執行長 / 共同創辦人 默想與SHALOM療程系列引導師

Michael Huntwork is the CEO and cofounder of Transcend Living. His journey into the field of holistic health involves thirty plus years of practical and professional experience working with various individuals from a wide range of diverse backgrounds. Over the years, he has given himself to thousands of hours helping others with their integration and wholeness. His understanding of who we are as spirit, soul, and body along with his resilient dedication to decades of research have been integral in the healing and restoration work he has done for himself and others. Cultural and generational factors along with a number of extremely adverse experiences that span over a period of five decades all served to train and prepare him in the awareness of how holistic and spiritual realities are connected to our overall health. In 2020 David Jeremiah Lam asked Michael to partner with him to launch Transcend Living.

     Michael Huntwork 韓沃是Transcend Living「創生」的首席執行官和共同創辦人,參與並實踐全人整體健康領域的旅程已有三十多年,其中投入不下數千小時,幫助來自不同且多樣背景的人們,進行全人身心靈的整合與復原。
     2020年,David Lam 林念華正式邀請Michael Huntwork 韓沃,與之一同合作,成立——「Transcend Living創生全人整體健康」

David Lam is the CEO and founder of Transcend Living. He has a background in over a decade of helping people from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds in the field of holistic health. His deep love for understanding the unique ways each individual processes pain and suffering has resulted in his profound desire to see a healthier world manifested through healthier people. Because of the abuse he experienced during his early childhood in Thailand, the country where David was born, he became aware of the spiritual realities of life at a young age, an awareness that has only increased throughout his life. David has come to realize that our physical, emotional and mental health cannot be separated from our spiritual health. He believes the more we ignore our spiritual existence, the more we will become something we were never meant to be. David went through his own extensive healing journey after discovering the ancient Hebraic way of living, and he has continued to enjoy and share with others the continual restoration it brings.

      David Lam林念華是Transcend Living「創生」的首席執行官和創辦人。在全人整體健康領域,為來自不同文化與民族的人們提供幫助已有十多年經驗。他熱衷於探索與理解人們個人化且獨特的情緒反應機制,是如何處理哀慟與受虐的經歷,他也有著強烈的熱忱希望看見人們過一個身心靈健康的生活。

David Jeremiah Lam 林念華
CEO / Founder / Meditation and Shalom Instructor
執行長 創辦人 默想與SHALOM療程系列引導師

David Jeremiah Lam 林念華
CEO / Founder / Meditation and Shalom Instructor
執行長 創辦人 默想與SHALOM療程系列引導師

David Lam is the CEO and founder of Transcend Living. He has a background in over a decade of helping people from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds in the field of holistic health. His deep love for understanding the unique ways each individual processes pain and suffering has resulted in his profound desire to see a healthier world manifested through healthier people. Because of the abuse he experienced during his early childhood in Thailand, the country where David was born, he became aware of the spiritual realities of life at a young age, an awareness that has only increased throughout his life. David has come to realize that our physical, emotional and mental health cannot be separated from our spiritual health. He believes the more we ignore our spiritual existence, the more we will become something we were never meant to be. David went through his own extensive healing journey after discovering the ancient Hebraic way of living, and he has continued to enjoy and share with others the continual restoration it brings.

      David Lam林念華是Transcend Living「創生」的首席執行官和創辦人。在全人整體健康領域,為來自不同文化與民族的人們提供幫助已有十多年經驗。他熱衷於探索與理解人們個人化且獨特的情緒反應機制,是如何處理哀慟與受虐的經歷,他也有著強烈的熱忱希望看見人們過一個身心靈健康的生活。

Wei Chan Tai 戴煒展
Operations Executive

Wei Chan Tai is our Operations Executive who has a background in scientific bioengineering and biotechnology. After completion of his degree at the University of California in Berkeley, he became the senior research engineer at Eureka Therapeutics where he helped discover a cure for cancer by developing cancer-targeting antibodies for the human immune system. His passion to see people experience greater health has led him to become one of our partners here at Transcend Living where he currently oversees our business operations.

     戴煒展是「創生」團隊的營運執行長。有科學生物工程與技術背景的他,在加州伯克利大學完成學位後,於美國癌症新藥公司——Eureka Therapeutics擔任高級研究工程師。透過開發針對人類免疫系統處理癌症的抗體,發現了治癒癌症的方法。煒展對於人們可以體驗到更棒的健康生活有極大的熱衷,而這也使他成為了創生的合夥人之一。目前主要負責創生的業務營運。

Connie Chiu is our professionally licensed massage and aromatherapist. She has worked in professional spas here in Taiwan and is trained in lymphatic circulation, deep tissue, hot stone, and Ayurvedic Thai massage therapies as well as vibrational sound therapy. She combines her knowledge and understanding of listening to the body’s vibrational frequency levels in order to provide the best therapeutic support to each individual. Connie is also the founder and CEO of Ruth’s Choice, her own essential oil business. Additionally, she manages Miriam Beauty, a massage and essential oil class teaching platform.

     邱渝雅是「創生」團隊專業的執照按摩芳療師。曾在臺灣的專業SPA中心工作, 接受過淋巴循環、深層放鬆肌肉組織、筋膜放鬆、熱石和印度草藥按摩療法以及德國聲波療法的培訓。 結合了對人體放鬆的知識,以及聆聽人體振動頻率的理解, 以便為每個人提供最佳的客製化治療方式。同時她也是精油品牌「Ruth’s Choice璐特嚴選」的創始人。 此外,她還接手管理按摩和精油課程的教學平台——「米利安國際Miriam Beauty」。

Connie Chiu 邱渝雅
Massage and Aromatherapist / Instructor

Connie Chiu 邱渝雅
Massage and Aromatherapist / Instructor

Connie Chiu is our professionally licensed massage and aromatherapist. She has worked in professional spas here in Taiwan and is trained in lymphatic circulation, deep tissue, hot stone, and Ayurvedic Thai massage therapies as well as vibrational sound therapy. She combines her knowledge and understanding of listening to the body’s vibrational frequency levels in order to provide the best therapeutic support to each individual. Connie is also the founder and CEO of Ruth’s Choice, her own essential oil business. Additionally, she manages Miriam Beauty, a massage and essential oil class teaching platform.

     邱渝雅是「創生」團隊專業的執照按摩芳療師。曾在臺灣的專業SPA中心工作, 接受過淋巴循環、深層放鬆肌肉組織、筋膜放鬆、熱石和印度草藥按摩療法以及德國聲波療法的培訓。 結合了對人體放鬆的知識,以及聆聽人體振動頻率的理解, 以便為每個人提供最佳的客製化治療方式。同時她也是精油品牌「Ruth’s Choice璐特嚴選」的創始人。 此外,她還接手管理按摩和精油課程的教學平台——「米利安國際Miriam Beauty」。